Navigating Adversity

Superintendent Galaviz Dear Canutillo Community,

I write to you today with a heavy heart, yet a firm resolve as we navigate through challenging times together. On Monday evening, we gathered at Davenport Elementary School to share some difficult news with our beloved community. As many of you may already know, the District is facing a daunting $7.8 million deficit for the upcoming year. This deficit is primarily attributed to the inaction of the State Legislature in allocating surplus state funds to public schools, alongside a decline in enrollment and lower attendance rates than anticipated.

In response to these fiscal challenges, we have already taken proactive measures, including slashing central office budgets and eliminating administrative positions. However, as we continue our quest to find viable solutions, we must now confront decisions that we had hoped to avoid. During Monday's meeting, we addressed the Davenport community and disclosed our proposal to merge Davenport with Childress Elementary School at the Childress campus starting this upcoming 2024-25 school year. This consolidation is projected to yield approximately $1.5 million in annual savings for the district.

Undoubtedly, we understand the gravity of this decision and acknowledge its unpopularity within the community. Yet, the stark reality is that we can no longer sustain the operations of Davenport Elementary in its current state. Despite our collective efforts, enrollment levels at Davenport remain significantly below the necessary threshold, with limited prospects for substantial growth in the Westway area. While we recognize the profound role Davenport plays as a community hub, we find ourselves at a juncture where difficult sacrifices must be made to ensure the district's financial viability.

However, there remains a glimmer of hope for the legacy of Davenport Elementary School. In the event that the Canutillo Bond 2024 is approved by voters, we propose to relocate and rebuild Davenport in the burgeoning Enchanted Hills area. Under this plan, Westway would be rezoned into the relocated Davenport, offering renewed opportunities for academic excellence and community engagement. For additional details regarding the bond proposal, I encourage you to visit

As we embark on this challenging journey, I want to reassure parents and stakeholders that every decision made by the district administration is rooted in our unwavering commitment to ensuring the survival and sustainability of our schools. While the ultimate determination regarding the future of Davenport rests with the Board of Trustees, it is incumbent upon us to explore all avenues for fiscal prudence and operational efficiency.

It is crucial to underscore that failure to act decisively at this juncture will compel us to consider even more drastic measures, including further school consolidations, campus grade reconfigurations, the curtailment of student programs, and a reduction in our dedicated workforce. As stewards of our educational community, we are duty-bound to confront these challenges head-on and safeguard the long-term interests of our students and staff.

In closing, I extend my deepest gratitude to each member of our Canutillo ISD family for your unwavering support and resilience during these trying times. Together, we will navigate through adversity and emerge stronger than ever before.

Pedro Galaviz
Superintendent of Schools