Terrific Teachers

Superintendent Galaviz Dear Canutillo Community,

I am thrilled to share some wonderful news with our Canutillo Independent School District community. It brings me immense joy to announce that approximately 50 of our dedicated teachers have once again been approved to receive the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) supplemental salary. This program, funded by the state, serves as a beacon of recognition for our educators who consistently go above and beyond to uphold the highest standards of education.

The Teacher Incentive Allotment, or TIA, stands as a testament to the state's commitment to valuing and rewarding the outstanding efforts of our teachers. Designed to provide additional compensation ranging from $3,000 to $32,000, TIA serves as a tangible expression of gratitude for those educators who demonstrate excellence in meeting state educational standards. It is a testament to their unwavering dedication and tireless efforts in shaping the future of our students.

At Canutillo ISD, we firmly believe in the power of acknowledging and honoring the remarkable contributions of our teachers. They are the heart and soul of our educational community, inspiring and empowering our students to reach new heights of academic and personal achievement. Through their passion, innovation, and unwavering commitment, they cultivate an environment where every student can thrive and succeed.

The Teacher Incentive Allotment program underscores the importance of recognizing and supporting educators who prioritize teaching in high-needs areas and rural district campuses. It is a vital step towards ensuring equitable access to quality education for all students, regardless of their background or circumstances. By incentivizing and retaining highly effective teachers in every school, TIA plays a pivotal role in strengthening our educational ecosystem and fostering a culture of excellence.

As we prepare to notify the teachers who have qualified for TIA in the coming weeks, I am filled with profound admiration and gratitude for their remarkable dedication and professionalism. They embody the spirit of excellence that defines Canutillo ISD, inspiring both their colleagues and students to strive for greatness in everything they do.

Beyond the monetary reward, TIA represents a powerful affirmation of our teachers' invaluable contributions to the lives of our students and the future of our community. It is a symbol of appreciation for their tireless efforts, their unwavering commitment, and their relentless pursuit of excellence.

To our deserving teachers, I extend my heartfelt congratulations on this well-deserved honor. Your passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment to our students serve as an inspiration to us all. Your tireless efforts and unwavering dedication do not go unnoticed. They are the driving force behind our collective success, shaping the minds and hearts of future generations.

As we embark on the journey ahead, let us reaffirm our commitment to excellence, innovation, and equity in education. Together, we have the power to transform lives, uplift communities, and build a brighter future for all.

In closing, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the Texas Education Agency for their unwavering support of our educators and their steadfast commitment to educational excellence. With programs like TIA, we can continue to nurture and celebrate the remarkable talents and contributions of our teachers, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

Thank you to our outstanding teachers for your unwavering dedication and commitment to excellence. Your impact extends far beyond the walls of our classrooms, shaping the future of our community and inspiring generations to come.

Pedro Galaviz
Superintendent of Schools